Destination Guide is a diary of places Globe Hackers have visited; with photos, videos and basic information.

Ventenar was on-the-dry at Robbie's Boatyard in Key West Florida, before heading out for a five-month cruise in the Caribbean for the 2014 season. You need to find a safe place for your boat during hurricane season if you plan to sail this part of the world.

For more information about Robbie's Boatyard, visit their website:

The three Mercury 50 HP motors on the back were stuck on the contraption to push it from Key West to the Gulf side of Florida, where it will presumably be ferrying happy tourists out to see sea life. I hope they made it. It seems like a daunting task to me. 

A sailor inevitably becomes a weather watcher.

Ernest Hemingway was a worldly Globe Hacker who sculpted terse and elegant sentences packed with power and emotion. Despite his successes and failures, he was never satisfied. If you stop reaching, you stop living.

Alexandra Deegan and Alex Routh at an Irish Pub in Key West. Where Cleghorn forced them to watch football and drink pints of Harp Lager.

Alexandra Deegan and Alex Routh at an Irish Pub in Key West. Where Cleghorn forced them to watch football and drink pints of Harp Lager.

Below is a slide show the evening we departed from Key West to Ft. Jefferson. We decided it would be best to make the passage at night. It was an easy passage with fair winds and we made good time. The three of us took four hour shifts - pretty comfortable. 

Sailing into the sunset on our way to Ft. Jefferson.