Karaoke night - Marina Hemingway.
One of the most thrilling aspects of sailing is arriving at your destination. It's been days at sea grinding away on the waves, sailing towards your way points and finally you've arrived. It's time to get your land legs back and see what the marina has to offer.
Just docked at Isla De Juventud at sunset.
Usually, at the very least, you can have a shower, get cleaned up and stretch your legs while you take stock of the facilities at the marina.
Most sailors are friendly, we like to find out where people come from, check out their boats, and swap a few stories. Later it's sharing food, drink and GRIB files to help you plan strategy for your next passage. Everyone in the marina is a potential source of vital information that can help you on your journey.
But today let's not get too technical and simply show a bit of fun. I guess most people know what Karaok is (pronouced Cara-OK, not Kari-OKie). At Hemingway Marina in Havana we met a nice crew led by Mr. Sato who were circumnavigating the Globe - now that's one major hack. One of his missions was to share the oh so Japanese pastime of singing popular music at one's local bar, snack or pub. Karaoke is pretty much standard entertainment in most cities around the world these days, but just in case you didn't know what it was, Sato-san makes it a point to gather friends together for a nice night of drinking, snacking and all around good cheer.
And I must say, there's no better way to get close to knew friends than the humbling experience of singing into a microphone with bad echo effects to a corny, low budget, video. I'm sure we all hate to admit it, but it's good fun.