Globe Hackers wants you to share this film.

We simply want you to share this film with as many people and organizations as you can. Be sure to tell your leaders about this film.

What humans can aspire to depends on what we do right now to stop climate change in its tracks.

Let's create a new system that values all resources and capital correctly. We need to think through everything we're currently taking for granted.

Let's get together, get involved and do something.


Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

Silenced by political ignorance and apathy.


The Unbearable Weight of our Nature - 3