The Garden Is Shrinking - we are all enveloped by sacrifice zones.
Spanish races
Pictures are worth one thousand words.
Now open your door, take a long walk and then tell me that paradise isn't shrinking.
Two hundred years ago the anglo chant was:
"Take it! Build on it, Mr. Williams!"
Our manifest destiny apparent...
And the latin gent says:
"Kill them for the sake of finding Eldorado Senior Gomez!"
And blanket them in germs g-man...
Then in the late 20th Century the names were Japanese.
"Build on it Saito-san, have your Transformers and Robots kill the monster Nature"
And now in 2015 the names are Chinese, Indian, African and Russian.
"Take it, extract it, build on it, develop it, trade it, sell it - kill the monster Nature!"
And Adolf says, "If I can't control it all then it should all die with me!"
Sacrifice the children, the old men and women, kill the monster Nature!
"Kill it all - we consume the world, we consume ourselves."
We eat the children...
Now take a walk and tell me paradise isn't shrinking.
Sacrifice Zones
Yes, we are SKREWED (Society of Citizens Really Enraged When Encircled by Drilling).
Thomas Jefferson created a version of the New Testament: The Jefferson Bible. He created it by subtraction, cutting out all the superstition and leaving only the good bits.
“Blessed are the peace-makers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Imagine this:
Our home, the Earth, is the Garden of Eden. Through millions of years of evolution we appeared on this great earth and set out on a journey of discovery where we became quite smart and were able to invent many amazing things.
But we fell from grace and started eating the garden up. We were tempted by greed and didn't have the strength to fight it.
However, among us, there walks a million good people trying to help us see the light. They are artists, technologists, writers, scientists, filmmakers, engineers, poets, farmers, workers, preachers, entrepreneurs, evangelists, and yes, even some politicians and some warriors. They are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. They are just people who understand that we can do better.
They are Jefferson Bible Christ Like.
A single individual can not save the world. A sacrificed individual can not save the world. Martin Luther King couldn't, Gandhi couldn't, Carl Sagan couldn't, Malcolm X couldn't, Socrates couldn't, Plato couldn't - the list is long.
All we can do is love it; love our friends, families and communities, and yes, even ourselves. All we can do is work towards getting better in community with one another. And then, perhaps we can do even more. If we have time, time will tell.
Take good care of it Mr. Williams, Saito-san, Senior Gomez, Ms Chan. It will live with or without us.
All stories have some good in them.