Blue Birds Fly & I Keep Singing Bowie Songs
OK, this is personal.
I became acquainted with David Bowie when I was a young teenager in Denver Colorado. I visited a friend and we sat listening, dissecting the lyrics and singing along. We knew we loved this guy. He was someone we could relate to, he seemed by virtue of his voice and art to understand us personally. As the years flew by he kept giving and I was never disappointed. Right up until the end, he was creative and courageous. His last song at once creepy, poetic and profound. He was so alive when he made it and yet he knew he was dying of cancer. He truly lived while dying.
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Life will kill us all. The difference between us is how well we live and how well we express our true selves. It's a downhill run for me now. If I live until 70 I'll be thinking of David Bowie and about how many bullets I've dodged. If I don't make it until 69 I won't be surprised. This is partly my response from stoicism, for we must all be ready to die, ready for anything to live well.

I'm really very sad he's gone. I felt the same way when John Lennon was murdered by a goofball with a handgun, but I was so young then, i could only feel rage, vengeance and heartbreak. The feeling of loss, this time, is better somehow. I guess dodging bullets has it's charm and it's therapeutic effects.
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Thank you Helen Green for making this. I'll cherish this little film from now on and I hope you keep conceiving and representing his birthdays for a few more years.
I really loved this movie. I think it's time for a movie night. I'd better call my friends and buy good quality copies of his films. It could be a nice party - over tea of course.
A classic scene that really effected me when I saw it. I know memory is fallible but I believe I almost cried tears of triumph.
I'm lucky to have seen six of his shows over the past 40 years.
I'm sorry friends, I'll still continue to sing his songs at parties, while driving, at the Circle K while drinking beer with friends and anytime I feel pretty damn happy to be alive - even if I'm out of tune and with my voice cracking from old age and the love or red wine.
Adios D.B.