I'm Spiritual But Not Religeous

I'm spiritual but not religious 

I'm spiritual but not religious 

Sometimes people share things with you through social media that really make a difference; that have, dare I say, the power to change your worldview and give you a direct line to happiness or make you a better person. 

Take this wonderfully inspiring video as a case in point. Very popular I might add, very popular. 

Perfect. The truth was never so funny and so profound. The truth will set you free from bull shit. Really it will. Really! Trust me. This I can tell you. The truth is tremendous. Excuse me. Excuse me. The truth is really great. 

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

Look Mom, No Americans


Meet Ted Cruz - a new patch on an old garment.