An Unofficial Manifesto
Below is a statement that clearly articulates why we wish to resist the policies of the current U.S. administration and clearly articulates our values.
If you side with us, copy and paste the message below into your social media status. Let us know who you are. We have to let people know we will not let our world degenerate into chaos.
We invite all of you to clearly articulate your values. If you disagree with us we invite you to clearly articulate your values and share them. Perhaps we can find some areas that are in common. If so, we may be able to narrow the divide that so afflicts our culture today.
We make no apologies to any or all of my FB friends for this. We know some are tired of political postings and rants. But apart from non-committal posts of recipes, meals, flowers, dogs, seashells, balloons, pictures, cats, drama, humor, our own art, and even beautiful expressions of spiritual beliefs, FB is (until it gets taken away) a vehicle to express our outrage at how far our country has currently fallen on the humanitarian scale.
To us, FB is a useful vehicle for our passion and activism. The fevered Ego currently occupying our White House, his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to us, our way of life, and all the people we love. And unless you are worth billions of dollars, they are a threat to you and your life, too. So we will Resist and we will be part of the resistance, and proud of it. If you can join in or hang with it, fine. But we refuse to "play nice" in the face of what these people are doing. Our country's well-being demands that we stand and resist.
Some people are saying that we should give #45 a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is our response:
- We will not say #45's name.
- We will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years...
- We will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
- We will not "work together" to build a wall.
- We will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
- We will not "work together" to shut out refugees from countries where we destabilized their governments, so that we could have something more agreeable to our oligarchy.
- We will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1%.
- We will not "work together" to increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
- We will not "work together" to help #45 use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his cronies.
- We will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
- We will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
- We will not "work together" to enable the killing in any way of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them.
- We will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
- We will not "work together" to waste trillions more on our military when we already have the strongest in the world.
- We will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
- We will not "work together" to slash funding for education.
- We will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
- We will not "work together" to allow torture and "black op" prison sites.
- We will not "work together" to "take their oil."
- We will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
- We will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
- We will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
- We will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that #45 and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
- We will not "work together" to allow men to make choices about a woman's own body, or to restrict health care for women.
- We will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
- We will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
- We will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
- We will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred.
- We will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
- We will not "work together" to increase the profits of the insurance companies.
- We will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of an alleged or actual "pre-existing condition."
- We will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
- We will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
- We will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government.
- We will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators who murder their opposition.
- We will not "work together" with #45 because I will not allow one man to feed upon the fears of the populace, blaming minorities for their condition or their inability to thrive.
- We will stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the compassion and humanity that is the center of Life itself.
- We will use our voice and our hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN and recognize what's really so dangerous about #45, his friends and the Big Lie they spin to the world:
- That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is anything more than nothing when others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.
This is the line, we are drawing.
PS: If you agree, please copy and re-post (we understand this results in larger numbers of people seeing a post), and if you can, sign your name below ours.
Consider this an opportunity to make a declaration of commitment, in becoming part of The Resistance.
Signed by:
Patricia Rollins Trosclair
Andrea Dora Zysk
George Georgakis
John Christopher
John Bowles
Patrick St.Louis
Carla Patrick
Darnell Bender
Vickie Davis
JMichael Carter
Janice Frazier-Scott
Rev. ELaura James Reid
Jeanette Bouknight
Rev. Dollie Howell Pankey
Gerald Butler
Carolyn McDougle
Vaughn Chatman
Adrienne Brown
Gary Trousdale
Steven E Gordon
Isis Nocturne
Debi Murray
Maureen O. Betita
Mona Enderli
Fernie James Tamblin
Myrna Dodgion
Alan Locklear
Tom Wilmore
Jackie Evans
Donna Endres
Lora Fountain
Roberta Gregory
Heather A Mayhew
Stevo Wehr
Nathan Stivers
Jen RaLee
Joan Holden
Leigh Lutz
Deborah Kirkpatrick
Linda Levy
Tom Rue
Nancy Hoffmann-Allison
Beejay McCabe
Michael James Myers
Edward T. Spire
Rupert Chapman
Dawn R. Dunbar
Robin Wilson
Monique Boutot
Laura Brown 💪🏼
Susan Aptaker
Steve Katz
Bonnie Wolk
Risa Guttman-Kornwitz
Angela Gora
Butch Norman
Sharon Tolman
Sue Zislis
Maurice Hirsch
Satch Dobrey
Jim Krapf
Don Starwalt
Deb Johansen
Daniel Anderson
Tim Roda
Helen o Leary
Kyle Staver
Sharon Club
Don Kimes
Scott Bennett
Richard J Simmons
Robert G. English
Eileen Donovan
Liam Fitzpatrick
Gerardine Clark
Debra Russell
Seth Avant
Rick Avant
Pat Little
Sharon Bebout Carr
Ann Meehan
Alex Ash
Steven Cleghorn