We Must Manage Global Resources For Life Support And For Quality of Life
Below are three videos I saw recently on YouTube that I'd like to recommend. We must all consider the messages within them. They tell our story and can point us in a better direction. Regardless of what that might be, we can't stay on the path we're on now.
We can't go on with business as usual and continue to survive. Somehow we must find ways to make people understand this. If you want to live a thoughtful, well-examined life and thrive, you must risk losing one community to create a better one.
Many people don't want to think; they are perfectly comfortable with their beliefs. Thoughtless people are followers who need leadership. We must supersede our current guidance and replace it with something completely different.
When I hear experts across multiple domains speak about climate change as an urgent emergency requiring radical action, I think about the TZM framework.
First, please watch Part One of a series produced by Breakthrough Productions in Australia titled, "Home Front." Absorb what these experts, many from Australia's defense and security sector, have to say about climate change.
Whether you know it or not, you are living through the most challenging crisis humanity has ever faced.
Video description:
Part I of HOME FRONT, Facing Australia's Climate Emergency. The film documents the existential threat of climate change from a uniquely Australian economic and national security perspective.
The film is a powerful and eye-opening analysis that presents some of Australia's former security, defense and political leaders who all warn us that climate change is 'a catalyst for conflict' and a 'threat multiplier' as it fuels instability in the world's most vulnerable regions.
Now listen to what Dr. Ira Leifer has to say about our chances of survival in the coming years. Dr. Leifer says there is strong evidence that we are headed for a global average temperature of 4C or higher. Global carbon emissions are rising in a straight line. Our carbon emissions are driving rapid climate change and global warming; the effects of which will last for centuries. Nothing short of a coordinated, global effort can save civilization. We can't do that within our current socioeconomic paradigm. "The data doesn't lie, and there are no excuses in physics." We are talking about a revolution.
Here's a quote from Dr. Leifer in a truthout.org article published last year.
"The jet stream, which controls seasonal storms in the mid-latitudes, is a result of these three cells, and would disappear in a single weather cell planet, dramatically altering rain patterns and almost certainly heralding an ecosystem catastrophe," Leifer explained. "The plants that underlie the food chain would be replaced by others that the local animals (insects to apex predators) could not utilize — in short, an abrupt acceleration of the current Great Anthropocene Extinction event."
Video description:
Stuart Scott engages with Dr. Ira Leifer, atmospheric scientist, and researcher, in this fascinating discussion of the desperate portends of our inability as a society to deal with the knowledge that we have destabilized the climate system. The bad news, according to Dr. Leifer, is that only a few thousand humans may survive at the poles. The 'good news' is that some of life is likely to survive (including cockroaches) since the Earth has proven so resilient over the eons of time since life evolved.
So you see, you are, in fact, either a part of the solution or a walking breathing part of the disaster. There is no middle ground. We don't have time to waste.
Of course, if you think absolutely nothing can be done, then you can join the global hospice movement and focus instead on living life in the moment. For that message let's turn to Guy McPherson. To me, his message is very positive and makes perfect sense. It's even uplifting and inspiring. After all, truth and honesty are refreshing in our current world.
A scenario approach
Understanding climate-driven security risks relies on climate impact projections, but much knowledge produced for policymakers is too conservative. Because the risks are now existential, a new approach to climate and security risk assessment is required using scenario analysis.