From The Mud— Agape

Try to imagine what the world would be like right now if we didn't have vaccine science/technology. Take your time. Next year won't be much different from last year. That I can tell ya. The problems that were causing the most damage to people and life on earth will still be here, accelerating, and getting worse. Please forgive me for saying that, but we are adults here and we can face up to the challenges of the 21st Century, right.

The strange thing is, for the first time in my life, I almost feel like I can't imagine what the world will be like in 10 years. I'm not talking about iPhones, VR Goggles, The Premier League, The NBA, or Politics in general, I'm talking about culture, society, children, the environment, travel...

[materialism (n.) 1748, "philosophy that nothing exists except matter" (from French matérialisme); see material (n.) + ism. As this naturally tended toward "opinion or tendency based upon purely material interests," it came to be used by late 19c. for any low view of life (opposed to idealism). As "a way of life based entirely on consumer goods," by 1930.]

People only seem to strive for more things. Right now, people across the United States think they can look forward to grand, mad, mayhem on Black Friday next year, a very, very commercial Christmas time, and the mother of all hangovers on New Year's Day. They think they will get vaccinated and happy days will be restored when the arm pain subsides.


They didn't notice the real threats to their health in 1979, 2008, 1018 and they won't in 2023. Tend your garden, friends, cultivate love, enjoy the days. Agape! Maybe Jesus got a little bit of his concept of love from the Greeks, God existed before the Greeks, right? Let your imagination fly to the heavens. Many things are improbable and anything is possible. You will still find your feet in the mud at the end of the day. Life, what a blessing.

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

What's Left To Say? Lots, and lots more to learn.


This Has Nothing To Do With A Smoke Filled Room