"The Weak" is composed of a gang, a syndicate of rulers, we sometimes call oligarchs who think that keeping the people ignorant, stressed, and distracted is a strong strategy. They have never comprehended a history book in their lives, much less anything having to do with science. Having endured years of abuse, or having been sheltered from any real challenge, or via dumb fate, having been blessed with inherited entitlement, "Rulers" wallow in self-indulgence, groupthink, mal-motivated reasoning, always engaged in forceful social signalling— their minds and souls, at a young age, turn into toxic sludge. They all too often have omnicidal dreams during their fitful sleep. The ruled often suffer from the same pathology with similar results, mostly due to an engineered desire to become "Rulers."


Rulers engineer a world in which they get more attention than their remit requires. Getting too much of this kind of mal-formed attention makes our restless rulers pay attention to the noise while risk piles up. Imagine Dorian Gray with a tactical knife and an AR15 with oversized clips taped together, cocked and loaded, staggering around the back garden, snorting "blood-coke" and shedding tears because enough is never enough. You don't want that guy looking at the real picture before he's disarmed, but how does one put the genie back in the bottle? How can society reform and heal people who fund research into immortality like all the mercury drinking, narcissistic, ruler-alchemists before them? They are becoming pure poison. And remember, Twenty-First Century megalomaniacs have access to neutron and hydrogen bombs, and that's a game-ending genie. Let's not even talk about their denial of natural systems.

So, we plebs can blame the players for creating, maintaining and ending a sick game. We can forgive ourselves for not knowing what we were doing. We were determined to be ignorant. Call it planned obsolescence.

The players are weak because they forgot where they get their power. We are vulnerable because we don't dare to remind them. Perhaps the players and their victims have no idea what real power is.

And, it's unfortunate that healthy people find it impossible to converse with their rulers. Not having these difficult conversations is perhaps the most consequential mistake.

Let's do a little experiment to determine the difference between the ruler-players and the plebs who give them their power. Try this, speak this out loud, and then monitor how it makes you feel. If you can, say it many times while videoing yourself: "Fuck you money, fuck-you-money, FUCK YOU MONEY, I've got fuck you money..."

Did you feel entitled, competitive, superior, aggressive, vengeful, a bit angry, perhaps even violent?

Now try something else like, "I love my curious soul." I love, I love, I love... How does that make you feel?

Fuck you, Money.

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.



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