People like to talk about God's Glory, The Love of God, and God's Love.


I understand the sentiment. If it’s we are referring to a nonegocentric, connection with “Creation,” but I can’t imagine God being prideful of the stuff “He” made. “Glory to badass me.” But people are mostly like that, and people write the stories.

“Pride comes before the fall.”

It's not cool to be a sage these days. Being wise takes a special kind of effort to acquire skills and attitudes that are not popular in schools these days. Education is too narrow, too institutionalized. There has to be a place for community-based education. Perhaps we should think of it as a culture of learning.


I feel it's glorious to be alive, the miracle of nature, and what's wrong with being in awe of particles doing their thing within something we know as the laws of physics — the mysteries of star stuff and all of that.

(We think we know a lot, but we don't know shit.)

I sincerely don't believe that God is needy like humans. I can't imagine God pining away for me to pay attention to "Him," although I do feel God's "love," and since we are part and parcel and all of that, I'm sure he feels "my" love.

(Love is not only a conduit, and it’s surely not a base transaction.)

LOVE is more profound than human love. I can't imagine a Human God. I am not Greek. Perhaps my mystical self is not human. LOL.

One can’t deny our need for love.

God LOVES We Love THE LOVING is the whole thing.

Jesus was co-opted by culture and power and used in various nefarious and also benign ways by people and institutions that needed, for whatever reasons, to use Jesus to parse the narrative for whatever purpose.

Yeshua is someone I know a lot better, and I see reflections of him everywhere — even in people's actions, thoughts and feelings.

I swear I could write his story. I'd call it "Tales of Hippy Yeshua who came to America from Guatemala."

But a God without an institution is very hard to worship. There has to be a hierarchy of commands. People are difficult to control. Or perhaps, too easy to manage?

I'm pretty sure that if people didn't have “The Book,” they’d have met Yeshua anyway.

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.



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