Redefining Wealth, Prosperity, and Growth
I'm happy to see Ms. Williamson talking with Peter Joseph. I recommend The New Human Rights Movement to people weekly. Work this train of thought in your communities, and let's hope it scales rapidly. Marianne Williamson is an earnest, wise, and compassionate author whose work has inspired many people. She also ran for President of the United States. Arrogant? Presumptuous? She believed she could do some good. It should be a breath of fresh air to have a woman with her disposition in a presidential race. (Yes, I know, she's Oprah Winfrey's spiritual advisor— we can forgive her for that.) Peter's book is a compelling survey of our socio-economic culture that may spark your interest in delving more deeply into how our system works and why it's not sustainable. He does not have all the answers, nor does he pretend to. Engaging with his train of thought will require a good-faith effort to understand concepts that may be uncomfortable for many people to ponder these days. (How can we criticize a system that got us all this cool stuff, and what about Steven Pinker's take on the glories of Western Civilization? Surely it's all good?) He has a structuralist perspective and talks about structural violence and racism, for example. Today, even bringing up racism will trigger many people in the USA who are tired of the subject. Peter is not utopian in his thought. He simply understands the necessity of imaginative, innovative, and structural change if we intend to sustain civilization. Redefining wealth, prosperity, and growth is a great way to start.