DiEM25 Manifesto

Follow the link and read the DiEM25 Manifesto.

Are you in favor of more or less democracy? Do you feel government represents you? Do you feel your elected officials put people first?

Europe will be democratised, once its oligarchy is overthrown!

A MANIFESTO FOR DEMOCRATISING EUROPE For all their concerns with inflation, migration, populism, climate change, pandemics, security and terrorism, only one prospect truly terrifies the Powers of Europe: Democracy! They speak in democracy’s name but only to deny, exorcise and suppress it in practice. They seek to co-opt, evade, corrupt, mystify, usurp and manipulate democracy in order to break its energy and arrest its possibilities.

For rule by Europe’s peoples, government by the demos, is the shared nightmare of:

  • Big Tech, Big Pharma, permanently bailed out bankers, fund managers, insurers, the security-military-industrial complex – in short, the resurgent tapestry of cartels perpetually contemptuous of the many and their organised expression

  • Their army of unelected bureaucrats, ‘technocrats’ and lobbyists pulling the strings of governments in general and of EU institutions in particular

  • Political parties appealing to liberalism, democracy, freedom, environmentalism, social justice etc., only to betray their most basic principles when in power

  • Governments whose policy of socialism-for-the-financiers and harsh-austerity-for-everyoneelse fuels nativist populism which these same governments audaciously pretend to rail against

  • Corporations that use terms like “sustainability” and “net zero” to continue with business-asusual, greenwashing their planetary-scale vandalism Media moguls who have normalised disinformation and weaponised fear-mongering

Our pledge We are inspired by the vision of a non-exploitative Europe that nurtures Reason, Freedom, Tolerance and Imagination made possible by real Solidarity, comprehensive Transparency, and authentic Democracy. We aspire to:

1. A Democratic Europe in which all political authority stems from Europe’s sovereign peoples

2. A Postcapitalist Europe that practises democracy at the workplace and in all aspects of life, not just in electoral politics

3. A Social Europe that cherishes not only freedom from interference but also the basic income, care and goods that render one free from need and exploitation

4. A Sustainable Europe that lives within the planet’s means, minimising its environmental impact through living harmoniously with all living beings, conserving and restoring biodiversity, eliminating pollution, and leaving all fossil fuels deep inside the earth

5. An Ecological Europe that leads a green and just transition world-wide

6. An Internationalist Europe that treats non-Europeans as ends-in-themselves and works in active solidarity with exploited peoples across the world

7. A United Europe whose peoples show as much solidarity across nations as they do within them

8. A Pluralist Europe of regions, ethnicities, nations, languages, philosophies and cultures where one can be, at the same time, European and patriotic

9. A Diverse Europe that celebrates difference and ends every discrimination based on social class, education, gender, skin colour, age, national origin, philosophy, faith, disability or sexual orientation

10. A Decentralised Europe that uses central power to maximise democracy in towns, cities, regions and states

11. A Transnational Europe in which political representation transcends national borders

12. A Transparent Europe where all decision-making takes place under the citizens’ scrutiny

13. A Sovereign Europe that presses its home-grown technologies into the service of solidarity

14. An Honest Europe that seeks a bright future without hiding from its imperialist past

15. A Cultured Europe that harnesses its people’s rich cultural mosaic and promotes not only its invaluable cultural heritage but also the work of Europe’s dissident artists, musicians, writers and poets who contribute to a progressive democracy

16. A Creative & Technologically Sovereign Europe that releases and safeguards the innovative powers of its citizens’ imagination

17. A Peaceful Europe de-escalating tensions in its Eastern, Mediterranean and Aegean regions, ending its colonial projects in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere as well as acting as a bulwark against the sirens of militarism and expansionism everywhere

18. An Open Europe that is alive and attractive to ideas, people and inspiration from all over the world, recognising fences and borders as signs of weakness thus spreading insecurity in the name of security

19. A Welcoming Europe that recognises that, after centuries during which Europeans colonised or dominated the politics of the rest of the world, it is now necessary to welcome migrants and refugees

20. A Liberated Europe where privilege, prejudice, deprivation and the threat of violence wither, enabling people in Europe and beyond to be born into fewer stereotypical roles, to enjoy even chances to develop their potential, and to be free to choose more of their partners in all aspects of life, work and society

Carpe DiEM25


Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

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