What Will Allow Us To Free Our Imaginations From The Lies?
Over the past twenty years, I've noticed that we are bred to be consumers. What we learn to think, believe, and do is about performing our part as consumers. Profit flows from our addiction to nice stuff. Money, power, and control over resources go to the few who are aggressive and competitive enough to play The Great Game and channel profit to themselves. In our current world, nothing else is more important than these functions.
It’s a global aspiration—one we have been trained to desire
I follow experts in various domains, well-meaning, earnest people who do their best to do good work and communicate their findings to ordinary people when they think we need to know. When they stick to their area of expertise, they are tremendously valuable. The main problem with sincere, caring experts is sometimes they need to remember that they are not experts in everything. Most importantly, kind and diligent experts must maintain the profit-first narrative the minute they stray from what they know well. I could spend all day making a list of examples, but I don't have to; you know this if you are curious, pay attention to current events, have developed a good bull shit detector kit, read books, and have a modicum of critical thinking skills.
"Who's the best critical thinker you ever saw?"
Humble, all too humble. No, great confidence is attractive.
I was rattling on last month about Samantha Hill's "The Problem From Hell" America in the Age of Genocide. It's an informative book—I highly recommend it. I think she is an impressive person. When she wrote the book, she was the Professor of Human Rights Practice at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Samantha Jane Power (born September 21, 1970) is an American journalist, diplomat, and government official currently serving as the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Previously, she served as the 28th United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2013 to 2017. She is a member of the Democratic Party.
Samantha Jane Power is the epitome of the mainstream of The Great Game. I am sure she's a good person. She continues to have a stellar career. Once admitted to The Great Game on that level, the most important thing to do is to keep playing, stay relevant, and never get kicked out of the club. You have a responsibility to all the Players who share The Great Game with you.
People who are part of the structure and system of the game of profit and control over resources must stay on script. Protecting the game is the prime directive. Maintain the proper narrative, keep your position, and advance. This is why a few days after October 7, Ms. Power trotted out the CNN script about beheaded babies and so on. Careerists like Powers won't wait for evidence, eyewitness testimony, and investigations before they go to bat for The Great Game. They will save that stoic work for their next book.
Like I said, I could present examples like this all day. Instead, I'll do what I always do and ask you to read a book. After reading it, you will be better equipped to deal with the torrent of lies coming at you all day from multiple quarters and domains you may not be familiar with, much less expert in.
So here's what I want to impress upon you: if you were born in a wealthy nation, a so-called "first world" nation, you started learning to be a good consumer in your mother's womb. Depending on how privileged and talented you are, you began training to be a diligent consumer or a Player from preschool. If you had great talent and people who could and would support you with their attention, mentorship, money, and resources, you'd go to university and train to be a clerk for the Players. If you performed your job well, you would rise through the ranks, take advantage of opportunities to make more money and consume more and better things. You'd gain status, attention, fame, and more privilege. You'd have a family of your own, only now you are wealthier than your parents and your grandparents and able to pass wealth on to your children who are luckier than you were and can forgo being simply a modest consumer and be trained at an Ivy League university to be a Players in The Great Game. Now, you are a guardian of the narrative from which all the lies flow, and you are powerful.
The Great Game is eternal. Even when you die, whether you have seen yourself as the center of the Universe or have been a true believer in something greater than yourself, after a profound burial ritual attended by crowds of admirers, you will be further compensated through your legacy and, for believers, great rewards in heaven.
I'm not saying all Players are bad people; many may not know they are part of 'this thing of ours.' Excuse me, they are only following their programming, sorry, their rarified education.
The Great Game has evolved over approximately eight thousand years of civilization. Never have better tools been available to Players to help them maintain profits, control over resources, and power.
Plebs and proles (the faithful) owe all of their access to God, to lovely things, and stimulating addictions to the Players and the Super Consumers who drive The Great Game. We all have our part to play.
All of this is to say that financialized, neoliberal global capitalism and its derivatives are going to destroy The Great Game and civilization with it, and there is nothing we can do about it because it's the only thing we know. Even the many earnest experts, the brilliant minds I follow, hardly notice The Great Game because we are all functionaries in The Great Game. We are addicted to what we think, believe, and do and cannot discover a perspective where we can see beyond our limited role.
Everything in our world is commodified and traded on the markets of roles, stereotypes, and big lies.
You will hear clever people say clever things before they reflexively trot out the big lies that make up the grand narrative of The Great Game.
The only way to grow out of this predicament would be to be born and grow up in a completely different world. Circumstances will dictate when this becomes possible. The Great Reset is nothing more than the collapse of civilization and the possibility of a new way of living on this Great Earth, the giver of life, where consciousness arose, and dozens of other marvelous things that will always remain a mystery.
At the risk of sounding gnostic, God knows this: look into your heart, read that book, walk in the woods, cradle your pet, kiss your partner, compliment your child, be human for a quiet moment, and you will find shelter from the lies. Clear-headed, your imagination will take flight, and you'll have a glimpse of that new world I'm dreaming about.