More Fun With The Greatest, Greater America
Who do Prof. John Mearsheimer and Glenn Greenwald think they are? Could two people ever be so misled, or perhaps just evil?
I don't think people care about war, global warming (hahaha), or "overshoot," and for many good reasons. Americans generally don't care about violence or economic troubles in the U.S. (As if!) We are too busy ignoring "collapse" (LOL) to process genocide or the potential dangers of upgrading our nuclear weapons arsenal. (We wouldn't have Social Media without military technological innovation!)
The Rules The Boss Can Break For All Mankind
"The Rules-Based Order" is a euphemism for "Protect Consumer Culture and Legally Coded U.S. Neoliberal Fossil Capitalism."
The only thing that supersedes FAITH in the United States of New Miracles is the absolute knowledge that billionaire technocrats will save America and the World. If not our genius Billionaires and their army of clerks and media support staff, then Jesus. And American billionaires will soon be immortal, Transhuman, possessing THE Singularity and protected in force-fielded City States within a Token Federal Legal System that only the best and best trained can operate.
All we have to do is make sure the rest of the world understands who's Boss. This is not hard to do because The Fed, the most powerful financial institution in all universes, can produce as much modern monetary theory money as required to support the American military-industrial complex that provides and secures World Peace and Prosperity.
Americans know that America is Number One. It's time the rest of the world understood this, too.
America needs to focus on Iranian-backed traffic jams, bad hair days, and real estate bubbles to keep the world secure. To do this, we need to keep bombing weaker countries and keep our proxies busy fighting Russia, China, and tiny countries that want to do things differently than what Uncle Sam proscribes.
The Sacred Act of providing tribute to Uncle Sam prevents negative consequences, externalities, and collateral damage. This is the greatest act of compassion a global citizen, institution, or nation-state can do. People managing things in the United States call this enlightened self-interest with interest, or, loving God. And for many aspiring servants of the most benevolent empire in all Universes, proper behavior and discipline provide a direct route to Capital on Capital returns and a mansion in a Token City State within the Token Federation where THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE live. Don't worry, when you've made it, you'll be beautiful too.
Americans understand that the natural order of life on earth is best understood in the context of the last 200 years of Western Civilization's history, with a particular and crucial focus on the U.S. Empire after World War II. Today's world resulted from the divine plan, the data, and natural, scientifically evidenced evolution. Things could not be different. This is the best of all possible worlds. This is what nature, the One True Universe, and God intended to manifest. People who don't understand this on a deep intellectual and spiritual level are possessed by demons, the Devil, or suffering from some form of mental illness.
European, Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Latin American, Indian, South East Asian, North East Asian, Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islanders, and African people, everyone alive basically, need to learn American English, work hard to send resources to the technocratic bosses and business leaders in the United States and support American businesses.
The sooner the world's population understands how blessed, good, brilliant, ingenious, innovative, entertaining, fun, exciting, and stimulating The United States of New Miracles, a.k.a, The Greatest-Great-America is, the sooner people worldwide can understand how comfortable the Natural Order/God's Plan is.
Until then, don't worry; Uncle Sam will continue to destroy those forces and folks in the world who want to ruin your destiny and take away all the wonderful things you can aspire to have.