OTR—Tesla, Dollar, Economics, Weimar Courts, Overshoot
On The Radar presents today’s notices.
First up, Common Sense, Skeptic has made a series of videos looking at Elon Musk’s big Hollywood back lot production, highlighting more vaporware and product launches that will never happen.
Musk fans are brain-dead monkeys trained on a steady diet of B.S.
Something is making trained Human monkeys stupendously stupider.
It must be the PFASs, often called 'forever chemicals' as they do not break down in the environment and are found throughout the world, in humans and other animals, as well as in our food supply and microplastics that can get into brain tissue. The tiny scraps of plastic were found in the olfactory bulb, the part of the brain responsible for processing smell. (Human-trained monkeys can't smell bull shit.) Scientists in Brazil found microplastics in the brain tissue of cadavers, according to a new study published Monday in the journal JAMA.
Welcome to a poorly executed theatrical production that Disney has been doing for decades.
I can't imagine how cynical Tesla workers are, or are they all simply delusional followers of a very American cult?
Donald and Elon were made for each other; both are dark tetrad con artists looting the United States and catapulting our world toward civilizational collapse. (These are Symptoms of a mass social disease.) This is not an exaggeration.
We spend more time looking at our phone screens than with friends, so imagine a world where ten billion useless robots are walking around, waiting to become junk for landfills. How much energy and materials are required to make these toys? As we wage war with China, who is going to make the microchips needed for these things? And let's not assume Elon will make them or make them better than his competitors.
Groupthink and $$$-motivated reasoning-$$$ run the country. The Managers of the Empire's primary remit is to keep people entertained until the whole shyte show crashes. Good Lord!
Musk likes to tell his followers that an autonomous AI future will lead to a world of abundance, but we have seen this world before - through the eyes of a small bot.
Cyber libertarianism is Accelerationist NRx Mania.
Next, I implore you to read two posts by indi.ca in the following order. They are too good for me to read and comment on.
While you are at it, visit The Geopolitical Economy Report for more background on China.
US politicians and media outlets complain about China's growing global influence, but offer no alternatives to help countries develop. China has the world's largest economy, produces inexpensive manufactured goods everyone wants, invests trillions in infrastructure, and doesn't interfere in the internal affairs of foreign nations. Ben Norton compares what Washington and Beijing have done in Latin America, especially Peru and Nicaragua.
Also, I have a bonus suggestion. Three Arrows hasn’t posted for a while; he may be busy with other projects. In my humble opinion, all of his content is compelling, so dive in.
"The Fight for the Republic". Dan takes you to the center of power of the American Empire in its death rattle. While the revolution is brewing, old elites struggle to remain in control and ward off disaster. They will not be successful...
Challenge your beliefs, thoughts, and ideas and lead a well examined life while the world keeps rapidly changing. Enjoy!