The New Nazi Regime by Any Other Name Is Old
Where is Western Civilization headed?
Only the uniforms have changed.
On The Radar—today's notices.
Today, I'll share some videos and one article from Caitlin Johnstone, but don't worry. One of our video creators/teachers has provided us with a long list of references backing up his thesis, which I encourage you to delve into with gusto and intellectual curiosity, improving your worldview and understanding of reality as you go.
I follow people who know their subjects, who they are, and what they want to say. I don't have to agree with them, but I must learn something from them. That's not to say I don't follow people who entertain or amuse me.
Bes D. Marx is worth your attention. He does well-researched videos on important subjects. Please watch this, consider it, and delve into his reference materials. You will learn a lot.
Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past The Politics of Amnesty and Integration - Norbert Frei (1996) A Paler Shade of Red: Memoirs of a Radical - Gutman (2012) Brown Book (3rd edition) - Albert Norden, (1965) Die Strafverfolgung von NS-Verbrechen - Eichmüller (2008)
I'll list his references at the end of this post.
After watching, I wrote this:
After the Soviet Union broke the back of the German military during WWII, the United States swooped into Europe like its savior. It aided in rebuilding Europe, securing its status as a new global Empire. The World has been largely Americanized, yet we are still having the same problems we've had since the dawn of Modernity—war, starvation, environmental destruction, greed, crime, racism, violence, hostility, etc. Despite our Enlightenment political philosophies, science, engineering, information, information technology, data science, complexity theory, systems theory, critical thinking skills, literacy, science-based/evidence-based medicine, and fantastic creative/destructive techno-industrial civilization, we continue to pollute and destroy our habitat.
Weapons of mass destruction? The Sixth Extinction? Forever Chemicals? Microplastics? Global Heating/Warming/Climate change caused by burning fossil fuels? The constant warmongering? Dehumanization? Gangsterism? Corruption? Messoginism? Pride/Hubris? Greed/Covetousness? Lust/Ilisit Sexual Desire? Envy? Gluttony? Drunkenness? Drug addiction? All manner of addictions? Propaganda? Facile entertainments? What the heck is going on here? Where are the better angels of our nature?
Where does evil come from if not from the stories we tell ourselves?
You should be very alarmed by the use of hypersonic missiles.
I appreciate this interviewer's style. Nima listens carefully to his guests, experts you will probably not see on Anglosphere news and information outlets. Based on my reading, Professor Ted Postol has a lucid understanding of the subjects he's addressing. I am so frustrated that so few people try to learn from primary sources.
Unfortunately, I can’t insert the video here. I am unsure why my website tells me it’s an unsupported link. I have encountered this problem when posting videos on controversial subjects.
Prof. Ted Postol Assessing Russian Attack on Ukraine by Hypersonic Missile @dialogueworks
In the episode above, the military expert commenting on Fox News is typical—biased and reading from the script.
Look up Orientalism. Dehumanization is one of The West's favorite tools. Have you read any books about WWII? Do you know who Heinrich Himmler is? Do you know about the Waffen-SS? They say that history rhymes. The parallels are impossible to ignore unless you are a brainwashed true believer. The West invented this, propagates it to this day, and cheers it on in the most self-righteous way. It's a sad feature of modern Western techno-industrial civilization that we are so easily programmed to support terrible violence. People across the West contort themselves into believing the most unreal narratives with fanatic glee. Will the United States get lucky and achieve another windfall at the end of WWIII? Will the Players of The Great Game swoop in, lending and leasing their way towards profits and control when our energy-blind, materials-blind, science-blind, reality-blind, Big Nature blind fossil-fueled, neoliberal/neocon dark tetrad "leaders" have finally destroyed their own Great Game with wilful ignorance and weapons of mass destruction that they invented? European colonialist/imperialist Empires created hell (Literally); that's where they live (despite their diversions, distractions, and metabolic syndromes), and that's where they are going.
If You Want To Help The World, Focus On Fighting The Empire—Caitlin Johnstone
Caitlin has a very exasperated voice, and I understand why. My slightly sardonic and frustrated pontification comes from my disappointment in our not living up to the exuberant progressive promise we had for a brief moment in the late 90s. Cynical, brainwashed Players of The Great Game continually betray the better angels of our nature. It makes me sad and angry.
My comment on her post on Medium:
Will people sacrifice one hour away from their screens to do the livelihood-threatening work of, call it what you will, revolution? We are too well entertained in the West. It seems to me that Caitlin hasn't watched a TV series since the 1990s. The Wire, Sopranos, Suits, The Mayor of Kingstown, Yellowstone, Breaking Bad, Billions —the list is long—with numerous documentaries and libraries of books, articles, and academic studies for our virtue. We have worshiped stories about evil since the dawn of civilization thousands of years ago; open the Old Testament and pick a random page. We love illusions; we love getting tricked; we love our con men and our gangsters. Homo hubris, Homo storyteller, Homo conquerer, Homo invasive species, Homo modern techno-industrial fossil fueled neoliberal/neocon, financialized, global omnicidal ape loves the idea that its own species is God-like more than life itself. It's easier to imagine the end of the world than a world where the better angels of our nature reign. So we will fight and sacrifice our lives for posterity to create what kind of culture? Let's be clear about that. The world needs to know how we can manage our affairs as champions of life in new days of forgiveness, rife with revelries, sustainably in concert with the ever-evolving fabric of life on Earth. Big Nature trumps Big Business. At the very least, we should be aware of that.
So, where do civilized people’s values come from, and could we appreciate a different set of values?
I love Ronald Hutton and have read many of his books. I wish he were my buddy. I want to live in his village and chat with him while drinking Earl Grey tea.
Where did Modern Paganism start? - Ronald Hutton
The more profound exploration of Paganism begins with its roots in the Victorian and Edwardian eras and the question of how ancient paganism was regarded then. It considers the mainstream views of paganism in that period, which veered between regarding it as a religion of ignorance, tyranny, and bloodshed and one of the outstanding artistic and literary achievements that prepared the way for Christianity. It goes on to show how new ideas developed amongst radicals, preserving the admiration for the accomplishments of ancient paganism while throwing away the caveats. Ronald Hutton recorded this lecture on 30th October 2024, at Barnard's Inn Hall, London.
If Books Could Kill
My bonus share today is another favorite podcast If Books Could Kill. I recently listened to their take on Sam Harris's "The End of Faith." I must admit that I was enamored by The New Atheists long ago and got over it. I used to listen to Sam Harris’s podcast, but it became so irritating that I stopped. I started reading The End of Faith and put the book down after a few chapters. His book offered me no new insights on the subject.
I become interested in things, and then I get over it, bounce back to my default core being, and move on, learning how uninformed I am along the way.
I agree wholeheartedly with Peter and Michael’s assessment. Please listen to the podcast, especially if you love books.
Have a lovely weekend.
Some references:
Sources: Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past The Politics of Amnesty and Integration - Norbert Frei (1996) A Paler Shade of Red: Memoirs of a Radical - Gutman (2012) Brown Book (3rd edition) - Albert Norden, (1965) Die Strafverfolgung von NS-Verbrechen - Eichmüller (2008) Das Braune Netz - Willi Winkler (2019) Das Erbe des Kalten Krieges - Leo Müller (1991) DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen - C. F. Rüter (2010) Die Akte Rosenburg - Görtemaker and Safferling (2016) Die Entstehung des BND - Thomas Wolf (2018) Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby - Felix Bohr (2018) Die zweite Schuld - Ralph Giordano (1987) Entnazifizierung und Personalpolitik in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone - Alexander Sperk (2003) Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding Daniel Marwecki - (2020) Nylon und Napalm - Regula Bochsler (2022) Partners at Creation - James H. Critchfield (2003) Pullach intern. General Gehlen und die Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes - Höhne und Zolling (1971) Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice, Mary Fulbrook (2018) Sie warn die Antideutschesten der deutsche Linken: Geschichte, Kritik und Zukunft antideutscher Politik - Hanloser, Gerhard (2004) "The Cape of Last Hope": The Postwar Flight of Nazi War Criminals through South Tyrol/Italy to South America - Steinacher (2006) The Investigation of Nazi Crimes, 1945–1978 - Adalbert Rückerl (1980) The Myth of the Eastern Front: The Nazi-Soviet War in American Popular Culture - Ronald Smelser (2008) Schuld und Schulden. Die Politik der Wiedergutmachung für NS-Verfolgte seit 1945 - Constantin Goschler (2005) Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany - Esra Özyürek (2023) Verfassungsschutz: Wie der Geheimdienst Politik macht - Ronen Steinke (2023) Zwischen Internationalismus und Staatsräson: Der Streit um den Nahostkonflikt in der Partei DIE LINKE - Leandros Fischer (2016) Online: