Where Are All The Peacemakers?
Scriptures: Matthew 5:9
Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers because God will make them sons of God" (Matt. 5:9).
Colt Single Action Army revolver of 1873—AKA, The Peacemaker.
Does Peace include endowing our natural, living world with sacred status, or is it simply a world with fewer knife fights?
Over two thousand years ago, in a violent and hateful world, for two to three years, Jesus taught that God favors peacemakers.
Far from implying a lack of conflict, peacemaking is a robust response to discord. It is a call to action, a testament to the strength and resilience of those who choose to be peacemakers.
Ignoring conflict won't make it disappear, and Peace at any price is untenable.
Despite our technical, scientific, and philosophical/intellectual progress, the need for peacemakers remains as crucial as it was two thousand years ago. This is a stark reminder of peacemaking's ongoing relevance and importance today.
Few of our leaders today are peacemakers, and this is shameful. Venal, dark triad fools lead us. Our passivity allows careerist showboats to play the role of leaders.
As followers, we don't have the courage Jesus exhibited during the three years he taught before the State put him to death. Many of us lack the moral fortitude to sit quietly under a tree for five minutes. We don't have the stomach for the kind of revolution Jesus suggested—Jesus the myth or Jesus the man or Jesus the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. How many Christians do you know who are peacemakers?
How many secularists think that all spiritual and religious traditions are useless stories of no importance in a world where wealthy people seek everlasting life through technology that will eventually replace their status as human beings with that of a machine or ones and zeroes on a hard drive?
How many of us feel a profound connection with the web of life that created us and allows us to exist? We hardly recognize nature as sacred anymore. For many of us today, wisdom traditions are so much pabulum— mere grist for entertainment.
A peacemaker must work in concert with her community to achieve understanding and establish Peace that respects, cares for, and considers all life.
We should work together to put the fear of God into our falsely pious posers, also known as "leaders." We must make them understand it's the Hell on Earth they are creating that they should be concerned about.
"Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful" (John 14:27)
"Shalom." "Peace to you!" (Luke 24:36).
In 1781, Benjamin Franklin wrote to John Adams, "'Blessed are the peacemakers' is, I suppose, for another world. In this world, they are frequently cursed."
Peacemaking is hard work too few of us want to engage in.
I'm not saying you must believe; I'm suggesting you make them do.