The New Normal Conspiracy

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain — that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.

— Lysander Spooner

This normie, bog-standard, middle stream, CIA cutout (Cirtifyably Insane Association) scribbler would like to share a piece someone wrote about "The Way Thing Really Are."

"The UK New Normal Dictatorship" UK Column News — Lian Davis

This post title from The UK Column says a lot if you think about it.

Spoiler alert! Everybody's in on it, even the Plebs. 

This is a classic and informative piece — it's all there. It parrots every buzzword, pulls every trigger, and has hyperlinks to more of the same. It contains many scary and easily identifiable propositions and big words, some with definitions from mainstream encyclopedias. Peppered with references to ideas and realities that are indeed alarming, it weaves a standard narrative about the powers that be.

And by golly, some of the content contains observations that ring true and may even represent problems worth a mortal struggle. However, I prefer different sources of cultural criticism and polemic to writers who refer to so many worn-out conspiracy theories.
You may feel: #powerless #hopeless #outraged after reading it.

You are not a fan of this genre if you are not entirely familiar with every shocking pseudo revelation.  

Would you please tell me what the author's ideological bent is? It has to have a name.

Suppose you are a fan of actually understanding how things work. In that case, you will know we are far from perfect governance systems, whether referring to global corporations, nongovernmental institutions, economic schools, social systems, political systems, etc., in any arena or Nation-State. But you will also know that civilization has always been structured around various messy things, people and institutions.

Systems Theory and Complexity Theory are difficult topics to understand, much less be knowledgeable about to the point where they become valuable tools — so are socioeconomic theories and practices. Let's not mention all the other domains this piece touches upon.

If you genuinely understand how various systems work, you might have some good ideas on how to repair them, reform them, change them, destroy them or even innovate from them.  

Do you have to do a lot of reading to achieve that? What kind of reading? You tell me.

These narratives are entertaining but far from empowering, nor do they offer any alternative solutions. The cry is, "Fight back by following “the” narrative!"

One might wonder what a blogger in the early 16th Century might have written about the opaque goings-on in court. Isn't conspiring face-to-face a more satisfying activity? But back then, the powerless people were illiterate, and only the big players played the game. One can imagine conniving goings-on from every class during the Roman Empire. 

Perhaps the only times safe from institutions were when there were only bands, tribes, and small nations of indigenous people. You can't conspire very effectively when everyone around the fire is watching. I wonder if large nation-states can ever enjoy perfect governance. I don't think we will ever see a happy-go-lucky world of libertarian tiny states and city-states.

Doggone it, I wish I could be more optimistic. Sometimes a little apathy goes a long way.

But come hither and tell me your ideas, thoughts, and feelings. What should we do about this?

Lian Davis writes for online publications like UKCOLUNM that all have a certain kind of catastrophic color. He seems like a fun man to have a few drinks with; take a look at the rest of the contributors for UKCOLUNM — forget drinks, let's have a party! No pun.

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

My Intellectual Immune System is Weak


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