My Intellectual Immune System is Weak

I keep getting PMs from friends on Signal who subscribe to grand conspiracy theories regarding our C19 experience. I replied with links to articles from different perspectives that I thought might inform their thinking for a while. I was wrong to believe that they would be interested in any content that didn't support their narrative.

I will refer to “The Narrative” so allow me to first set the stage. I nicked the quote below from Rebel Wisdom’s latest post regarding their new film.

Lockdowns are not needed, masks do not work, the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are being oversold, vaccine passports will not only fail but further segregate society, and in the near future we can expect Giradian scapegoating of the unvaccinated. In other words, we are positioned on the precipice of a slippery slope that leads towards increasingly draconian biopolitical control measures, the grip of which is unlikely to release even once the pandemic is over.”

Setting the stage:

Next February, the seventeenth, in the year of a particular Lord, two thousand and twenty-three, there will only be 526,403 people alive on this great earth. Finally, the re-wilding of the "commons" and the building of Golf Courses, pleasure palaces, and sports stadiums will begin in earnest, and everyone, everyone I tell you, will have their own customized, shape-shifting sex robot. Homo Sapiens will have been saved from The Great Game by the Players of The Great Game. It's exciting to know that soon the Players will begin this uber endeavor—culminating with the invention of an even better game. In the not too distant future, they can export this new, and supreme culture to inhabitable planets in this particular Universe. Because, don't you know, that in eight thousand years our sun will be a Dyson Sphere and Elon Musk (he will be alive then) will be using the Penrose Process to find said inhabitable planets. (Elon could do it now, by the way, but that would mean that the Plebs would benefit, and they are simply not worthy.)

This was my final message to one of my Signal interlocutors. From now on, when any of my conspiracy-minded warriors on Signal or even WhatsApp share a link to something regarding our wonderous C19 experience, I will send back a photo of gelato.

I wonder if reading the content at this link will make me roll my eyes? I want to click on the link, but then I ponder, why? It's not like I'm in the tribe. My interests are too broad. I've rummaged around in that bubble for a while, and I get it. Enough. Joe Rogan? LOL! I am beginning to think you are not a reader? Sincerely, should we stop sharing anything except photos of gelato? There are facts to be found within the know-it-all narrative, but the narrative itself is shallow. But fuck me, right? I'm stupid and blinkered. I'm a normie. I'm alt-middle or alt-sensible. I took the wrong color pill. I've been infected by the dreaded "@-the-real-propaganda." I don't consume garbage day and night, which has made me weak. My intellectual defenses are not strong enough because my reading habits are too clean, peppered with authors who are experts in their field, and therefore incentivized by billionaires who fund their research. OMG, maybe that's why I don't do my own research. 😂 I won't click on the link you have shared. I already understand the narrative. I'd rather read a good book that I can learn something from. Pass that crap around to the properly woke-woke people—keep driving your knowledge of the grand conspiracy home. You and yours will save the world. Thank you in advance. 🙏🥰

Bon Appétit!

Steven Cleghorn
Steven is an autodidact, skeptic, raconteur and film producer from America who has been traveling since he was a zygote. He's a producer at The Muse Films Ltd. in Hong Kong and a constantly improving (hopefully) Globe Hacker. He's seeks the company of interesting minds.

All Said Get It Pure Soul There It Is—Laurie Anderson—The River And The Body


The New Normal Conspiracy